Eoto: Social Media

 Social Media

In class one student talked about social media, and the effect is has happened on communication. With the creation of social media websites like Twitter, and Instagram have exploded to give people news, and information with what is going on in the world, and has also let people stay in the in contact with family and friends. This has been one of the most important ideas that have come to fruition, changing the lay of the land for communication for people all across the world. While being one of the more important inventions, it is also one of the most destructive. Today young kids are using social media, and being exposed to a wide variety of content. At age 12 kids are on social media creating Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. They control who they follow, and expose themselves to content that is not appropriate to kids that age. I see this in my younger cousins who are around the age of 13. They have said many things that I will not repeat. I asked where they learned all of this, and they showed me their social media accounts, and who they followed. The fact that they are allowed to follow these accounts at the age of 13 will completely ruin the development of their brains. While I sound like an old man saying that the youth is being corrupted by technology, I know that this is the truth. These advances have made great advances in the world of communication. I am now able to get news at the click of a button, but it is ruining the most important group of individuals we have on the planet. This is where there should be restrictions placed so kids under the age of 18 should have the same access as those above that age, but until now we will continue to use social media as it is, and greatly appreciate these different applications. 


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