EOTO 2 Alternative Media

 EOTO #2

My second EOTO presentation was about Alternative Media. With plenty of mainstream media sources dominating the world news, there are plenty of alternative media that have really been growing different cultures. Alternative media is considered anything that is not a mainstream media source. For example, CNN, NBC, and FOX would all be considered mainstream media. They have big followings, and use their television stations to produce shows and turn a profit. On the contrary, alternative media sources are not well known. Alternative media sources are usually designed to go after one group of people who share the same beliefs, and views. The Anti-War website that I wrote about in a past blog would be considered an alternative media. It focuses on not starting war, and it's definitely not intended to reach readers who are not interested in antiwar. 

The one big thing that you have to keep in mind about Alternative media is that the stuff you are reading about may be bias. It is not to reach out and change the minds of those who disagree with the writers, but just to inform a group of people with the common interest. For example a website about the New York Yankees will take a biased approach to their own team. They will write stories about the Yankees and may try to make their team sound better than they actually are, while making other rivaling teams sound worse than they truly are. Also a Yankees fan page will not look to entice fans of the Mets, or Red Sox. They understand that their articles are not going to be read by these fans, so they look to please their own fan base. 

While alternative media may be biased, it is important to check up and read on these media sources. The mainstream media industry is kept in check by the alternative media sources who hold them accountable for their biases as well. Alternative media sources are not afraid to call out other competitors, along with those who don’t agree with their ideology. Reading articles on alternative media websites is very helpful, and important. It lets the reader get an insight on how a group, or fan base feels about the people they support. Although you may not like what you see, you should also read the alternative media sources of your rivialing group. It will let you know how they feel, and you may think that it is all wrong, and biased, but it is important to see how your competitors feel. Personally I read articles, and blogs from New York Islander fan pages. I am a New York Rangers fan but I like to read about other teams in the NHL, and especially teams that are rivals with the Rangers. 

These are just a few things that alternative media are about. Although overlooked, it is very important to society, and news spreads around the country. Being able to follow both sides of a story is key to understanding every perspective of a critical event in the news. 


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