Diffusion of Innovation : Television

Diffusion of Innovation 

The television has been a big invention, and changed the landscape of communicating news around the world. The TV as I mentioned in another post was invented in 1927 and since then it has taken off. The idea of the TV was well looked at by many different people, and although rather expensive many people still bought it. Although it was not what we are used to today, the small screen and lack of color amazed the people in this time. There was a massive uptake on this product, when newer, faster, and more efficient televisions came out. In the fifties, a television with a wireless remote was released. Making the TV more efficient, and letting people who change the Channel and volume from their couch. The TV has grown from bigger screens to the additions of guides, and other applications, but as the TV grew, a group of people who disliked it grew. Many people at first did not think the television would take off because it would take away from people going outside. I am sure that these people caught on to the trend that the TV was taking over and purchased some themselves making them a late adopter. There are some people who absolutely despise television though. Some people don't own one and say there is no educational upside to owning a TV. There are not many people I know that don’t have televisions, but I know there are groups who use either, can’t afford a TV, or people who just don’t enjoy it.


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