Blog Post 7

Electronic Tattoos 

In this TED Talk, Juan Enriquez explains the meaning of electronic tattoos, and how we leave them behind. He also explains the importance of of them. Looking at my use of technology, it is scary to think about what I have put on the internet, and how it can show up when someone looks me up. All of my friends and family use social media, and the internet, which is scary because it means that they have electronic tattoos as well. I really believe the government should be making laws about this. I feel as if using facial recognition is not safe to protect our own identities. However, I think that the government uses this information. They won't make laws against this because they secretly use this facial recognition to get to know more about us. They are slowly doing the same thing that China is doing, becoming a surveillance state, but opposite to China, they are keeping this a secret instead of letting the public know about it. The only thing that I can think of doing to protect ourselves is to stop using social media, and some forms of technology. Although this would be the only way to solve the issue, I don't think that will happen since a lot of people's lives revolve around social media. I also believe that even if we stop using social media, our identities are already compromised, and the government already knows everything they need to know about us.


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