5 News Sources

I have never been a person who will go out of my way and turn on the news in the morning. However there are a few apps and websites that I often check to make sure I am caught up on what is going on in the world. 

The first website I usually check is CNN. I feel as if it one of the more reliable sources out there. One thing that I keep in mind when looking at a website like CNN is the favoritism that it holds towards the Democratic Party, so when I read stories about the government or a certain political figure I make sure I keep that bias in the back of my head. CNN is also a good website because I get way more information than just politics. They write stories on many different topics from sports to the latest health trends. There is no shortage of information on CNN's website and it really is a great source to keep in touch with what is going on in the world. 

Contrary to CNN, I like to look at Fox News as well. I know that both websites have a bit of a underlying bias to each political party so I check both to make sure I can hear both sides of the same story. Although both are very reliable sources, there may be small things that are aimed at the a specific party. I noticed on Fox's website most of the news is about politics. There are a few sections where you can see sports articles,  news about entertainment, but the front page is covered mostly in political articles.  

Something that I recently signed up for is something called the Skimm. Everyday you receive an email explaining what is going on in the world. Each email is sent out at around 6:30 in the morning so you can read it before work. The emails I receive are not super long, and it is made up of a couple different short articles. The writers like to make it easy to understand what is happening, and go into great detail for those who don't understand what is being said. There is a bit of a comedic twist to it to make it entertaining to read. These articles include sports entertainment, but are mostly about politics. From what I have read so far they have written their stories with no bias. It is a great thing to subscribe to, and a great way to start your day. 

While I don't get a lot of news from Instagram, I do generally get some. I follow verified news accounts and writers to make sure that the content I am looking at is true. While I mainly get sports news on social media, there are many accounts that give out a lot of info about politics and everything. However, there are plenty of accounts that will give out fake news. This is a big problem we face, False news can be spread very fast by anyone. There are plenty of fake accounts who create false content to for their followers. One way I stay away from this problem is following verified accounts. Verified accounts are labeled with a blue checkmark. After I read something on Instagram I do like to check it using another source but this app is a great way to learn info quickly. 

Lastly, I get some news off another social media website by the name of Twitter. Twitter is like Instagram except on twitter you don't have to add photos or videos to create a post. You can customize the content you receive by following certain accounts, but like instagram you must be careful with what accounts you follow to make sure you are getting true content. It is another great source to get news quick. Although not alway the most reliable it is a great way to get an idea about a certain topic. 


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